31 Ft Надуваема Лодка Bwa 30 - Сардиния Карти за лодки

Относно тази яхта

Надуваема лодка BWA 30 с тегло 31 фута, задвижвана от двигатели 2 x 250 HP, истински спътник при пътуване. Със своите 9,5 метра дължина предлага различни удобства: сгъваема тента, минибар, двойна кабина, самостоятелен санитарен възел и добре организиран, модерен и изискан дизайн.

Размери: Дължина 9,5м, Ширина 3,5м

Максимален пътнически капацитет: 12 + капитан

Бордово оборудване:
- Каюта с едно двойно легло
- Една отделна тоалетна с душ
- Кърмен кът за хранене с маса и мивка с водна система
- Хладилник в зоната на пилотската кабина
- Бимини горнище
- Декинг и довършителни работи от тиково дърво
- Външен горещ душ
- Стерео озвучителна система за iPhone
- Оборудване за гмуркане с шнорхел на борда

Информация за пътуването

Choose one of our 5 Tours Available:

1st Cruise:
Madellena Archipelago/Spargi/Pink Beach - Budelli/ Manto della Madonna – Budelli – Razzoli - Santa Maria /Isola di Maddalena/Isola di Caprera

Emeralds are not just precious stones but Sardinia has its own stunning Emerald Islands.

Porto Cervo
Return: Porto Cervo

Porto Cervo is located in the main centre of Costa Emeralda. The Emerald Coast is a renowned holiday resort built around a deep natural harbour. The first stop will be in Spargi where various archeological findings have been made including the remains of a second-century B.C. Roman ship that is now on view at La Maddalena naval museum.

The following destination of our cruise will be a stop at the Pink Beach located at Budelli, a UNESCO World Heritage site where access is forbidden on land or beyond the perimeter zone in the surrounding sea area. The name comes from the shoreline which is made up of a characteristic pink coral sand that comes from calcareous shells.

From Pink beach we will sail on to encounter Manto della Madonna, an artificial lagoon formed of three islands: Budelli, Razzoli, and Santa Maria. The name “Manto della Madonna” comes from the incredibly transparent and intense blue waters of this stretch of sea. It is a truly pristine natural pool.

Our next destination will be to visit the Isola di Maddalena, the archipelago’s main island by the same name. The municipality of La Maddalena is situated here, along with the island’s naval museum and Diocesan museum.

Lunch is included and will be served on the Island of La Maddalena, which offers a wide choice of restaurants and cafes.

After a fantastic lunch we will set sail to our last destination, arriving on the Island of Isola di Caprera featuring both the house and the museum of Giuseppe Maria Garibaldi the famous Italian patriot. The island belongs to La Maddalena Archipelago National Park. The Isola di Caprera is completely uninhabited, despite being connected by a bridge to the Island of La Maddalena. The itinerary ends by returning to Porto Cervo.

2nd Cruise:
South Corsica/ Lavezzi/Isola di Cavallo/Isola di Piana/Bonifacio/ Strait of Bonifacio Nature Reserve (through the Strait of Bonifacio)

Our paradise is beyond the mountains…

Departure: Porto Cervo
Return: Porto Cervo

Departing from Porto Cerco, Costa Smeralda’s main center and renowned holiday resort that is built around a deep natural harbour. We cruise to different islands, the first one we encounter is Lavezzi.

The Isola di Lavezzi is located in the center of the Strait of Bonifacio. This area was one of the first marine reserves to be established in Corsica.

Our following destination of our cruise will be at the Isola di Cavallo, which is inhabited and has a port, despite being part of the Strait of Bonifacio’s protected marine area.

On we sail to arrive at the Isola di Piana, with its long, walkable isthmus that connects to the mainland, making it one of the most beautiful spots in Southern Corsica. At this point on the tour and depending on the weather conditions, it is possible to continue to Bonifacio or to return to Italy. If the sea allows, we will arrive at the Port of Bonifacio, located in the heart of a heavenly and unique Strait of Bonifacio Nature Reserve home to dolphins and marine tortoises

3rd Cruise:
Emerald Coast
/Liscia Ruja - Petra Ruja/Ramazzino/ Cala di Volpe/Petra Ruja/ Soffi – Camere – Mortorio/ (The emerald seen from the sea)

You can never see and have enough emeralds!

Departure: Porto Cervo
Return: Porto Cervo

We will start Sailing from Porto Cervo along the entire Emerald Coast, reaching our gorgeous beaches of Liscia Ruja and Petra Ruja. Along our sailing cruise, we see the beach at Ramazzino. Its white sand is slightly veined by pink shades where granite rock is intensified beside the shoreline.

From there on we sail through Cala di Volpe, a natural harbour with a very small wooden pier. Our next destination will be Liscia Ruja, a wide stretch of sand inside a large inlet, sailing on to Petra Ruja. Our cruise will continue towards the islands of Soffi, Camere, and Mortorio. The route navigated allows for clear views of the splendid villas on the coastal stretch from Romazzino to Cala di Volpe.

4th Cruise:
Tour of Caprera and area east of Maddalena
/Cala Coticcio/Cala Napoletana/Isola di Giardinelli/Porto Palma

Come see with your own eyes that Tahiti is in Italy/ A little piece of Tahiti’s gem hiding in Italy.

Departure: Porto Cervo
Return: Porto Cervo

The ideal half-day Cruise.

Start your journey from Porto Cervo, our first stop will be Cala Coticcio, also known as Tahiti because of its fine sand and turquoise sea surrounded by pink rocks.

From there on we sail to Cala Napoletana, a true paradise of white sand, clear waters, and Mediterranean scrub. After visiting this pristine beach of Napoletana we sail on to the Isola di Giardinelli, which is connected to La Maddalena by a thin, artificial strip of earth.

Your cruise will end in Porto Palma, a beach guarded by rose coloured rocks moulded by time and wild Mediterranean plants shaped by the sea winds. After a great day at sea, we return to our base at Porto Cervo.

5th Cruise:
Marine reserve of Tavolara Island
/ Molara/ Capo Coda di Cavallo (Capo Coda di Cavallo región)

A Protected sanctuary that has many different faces

Departure: Porto Cervo
Return: Porto Cervo

Leaving Porto Cervo, we start cruising toward Tavolara, an island with a distinctive formation that is rich in history and legends. From there on we sail to Molara, an island that offers much for the medieval history buff, our cruise will continue towards the famous Capo Coda di Cavallo, a Northern Sardinia promontory mostly made-up of solid granite rock located in the Capo Coda di Cavallo region. After a great day at sea, we return to our base at Porto Cervo.

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Ние предлагаме следните пътувания

  • Полудневен чартър
    €550 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€650 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€650 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€800 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€800 EUR

    Included: Skipper/ soft drinks/ snacks/ fresh fruits

    Charter Rates:
    Low Season: Half-Day Charter: 425 Euro
    Mid-Season (25-06/15-07 – 29-08/16-09): Half Day Charter: 525 Euro

    Add extra activities to your cruise/ the following:

    Do you like to add a sporty activity to your cruise experience? Depending on your needs, we can organize any sporty water activity you are passionate about.
    - Water Skiing
    - Seabob
    - Watertube
    - Onboard massage

    - Sunset: Do you want to experience amazing sundown, you cannot miss the aperitif at Phi Beach, an open-air club that has an unequaled geographical position. Every evening this unique location is gifted with views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world, and an emotional experience in a very romantic setting.

    For more information to add any of these activities to your cruise please E-mail us: partner@international-boat-charters.com

  • HALF DAY TOUR ITINERARIES 2 AND 3 Caprera and La Maddalena or Costa Smeralda
    €750 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€850 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€1000 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€850 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1000 EUR

    Included: Fuel, skipper and soft drinks.

    NOTE: Itineraries typically start from Porto Cervo or Poltu Quatu and may vary according to specific client requests. Be aware that departures from alternative locations may incur additional costs.

    Charter Rates:
    Low Season: Half-Day Charter 750 Euro
    Mid-Season: (01-06/30-06 – 01-09/30-09) 850 Euro
    High Season: (01-07/02-08 - 19-08/31-08) 1000 Euro
    Very High Season: (03-08/18-08) Not available

    Add extra activities to your cruise/ the following:

    Would you like to add a sporty activity to your cruise experience? Depending on your needs, we can organize any sporty water activity you are passionate about.
    - Water Skiing
    - Seabob
    - Water tube
    - Onboard massage

    - Sunset: Do you want to experience amazing sundown, you cannot miss the aperitif at Phi Beach, an open-air club that has an unequalled geographical position. Every evening this unique location is gifted with views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world and an emotional experience in a very romantic setting.

    For more information to add any of these activities to your cruise please E-mail us: partners@international-boat-charters.com

  • Цялодневен чартър
    €800 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€950 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€950 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€1200 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1200 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1350 EUR

    Включени: Skipper/ безалкохолни напитки/ леки закуски/ пресни плодове

    Чартърни цени:
    Нисък сезон: Целодневен чартър: 650 евро
    Среден сезон (25-06/15-07 – 29-08/16-09): Целодневен чартър: 800 евро
    Висок сезон (16-07/28-08): Целодневен чартър: 1000 евро

    Добавете допълнителни дейности към вашия круиз/ следното:

    Харесвате ли да добавите спортна дейност към вашето круизно изживяване? В зависимост от вашите нужди, ние можем да организираме всяка спортна водна дейност, която ви харесва.
    - Водни ски
    - Сийбоб
    - Водна тръба
    - Масаж на борда

    - Залез: Искате ли да изживеете невероятен залез, не можете да пропуснете аперитива в Phi Beach, клуб на открито, който има несравнимо географско положение. Всяка вечер това уникално място е дарено с гледка към един от най-красивите залези в света и емоционално преживяване в много романтична обстановка.

    За повече информация, за да добавите някоя от тези дейности към вашия круиз, моля, изпратете ни имейл: partner@international-boat-charters.com

  • DAILY TOUR ITINERARIES 2 AND 2 Caprera and La Maddalena or Costa Smeralda
    €1000 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€1150 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€1400 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€1150 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1400 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1550 EUR

    Included: Fuel, skipper, and soft drinks.

    NOTE: Itineraries typically start from Porto Cervo or Poltu Quatu and may vary according to specific client requests. Be aware that departures from alternative locations may incur additional costs.

    Charter Rates:
    Low Season: Daily Charter 1000 Euro
    Mid-Season: (01-06/30-06 – 01-09/30-09) 1150 Euro
    High Season: (01-07/02-08 - 19-08/31-08) 1400 Euro
    Very High Season: (03-08/18-08) 1550 Euro

    Add extra activities to your cruise/ the following:

    Would you like to add a sporty activity to your cruise experience? Depending on your needs, we can organize any sporty water activity you are passionate about.
    - Water Skiing
    - Seabob
    - Water tube
    - Onboard massage

    - Sunset: Do you want to experience amazing sundown, you cannot miss the aperitif at Phi Beach, an open-air club that has an unequalled geographical position. Every evening this unique location is gifted with views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world and an emotional experience in a very romantic setting.

    For more information to add any of these activities to your cruise please E-mail us: partners@international-boat-charters.com

  • DAILY TOUR ITINERARY 1 Arcipelago della Maddalena
    €1100 EUR

    (Jul - Aug )€1500 EUR
    (Jun - Jun )€1250 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€1250 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1650 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1500 EUR

    Included: Fuel, skipper, and soft drinks.

    NOTE: Itineraries typically start from Porto Cervo or Poltu Quatu and may vary according to specific client requests. Be aware that departures from alternative locations may incur additional costs.

    Charter Rates:
    Low Season: Daily Charter 1100 Euro
    Mid-Season: (01-06/30-06 – 01-09/30-09) 1250 Euro
    High Season: (01-07/02-08 - 19-08/31-08) 1500 Euro
    Very High Season: (03-08/18-08) 1650 Euro

    Add extra activities to your cruise/ the following:

    Would you like to add a sporty activity to your cruise experience? Depending on your needs, we can organize any sporty water activity you are passionate about.
    - Water Skiing
    - Seabob
    - Water tube
    - Onboard massage

    - Sunset: Do you want to experience amazing sundown, you cannot miss the aperitif at Phi Beach, an open-air club that has an unequalled geographical position. Every evening this unique location is gifted with views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world and an emotional experience in a very romantic setting.

    For more information to add any of these activities to your cruise please E-mail us: partners@international-boat-charters.com

  • DAILY TOUR ITINERARIES 4 AND 5 South of Corsica or Isola di Tavolara
    €1200 EUR

    (Jun - Jun )€1350 EUR
    (Sep - Sep )€1350 EUR
    (Jul - Aug )€1600 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1750 EUR
    (Aug - Aug )€1600 EUR

    Included: Fuel, skipper, and soft drinks.

    NOTE: Itineraries typically start from Porto Cervo or Poltu Quatu and may vary according to specific client requests. Be aware that departures from alternative locations may incur additional costs.

    Charter Rates:
    Low Season: Daily Charter 1200 Euro
    Mid-Season: (01-06/30-06 – 01-09/30-09) 1350 Euro
    High Season: (01-07/02-08 - 19-08/31-08) 1600 Euro
    Very High Season: (03-08/18-08) 1750 Euro

    Add extra activities to your cruise/ the following:

    Would you like to add a sporty activity to your cruise experience? Depending on your needs, we can organize any sporty water activity you are passionate about.
    - Water Skiing
    - Seabob
    - Water tube
    - Onboard massage

    - Sunset: Do you want to experience amazing sundown, you cannot miss the aperitif at Phi Beach, an open-air club that has an unequalled geographical position. Every evening this unique location is gifted with views of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world and an emotional experience in a very romantic setting.

    For more information to add any of these activities to your cruise please E-mail us: partners@international-boat-charters.com

Често задавани въпроси

Необходимо ли е да се притеснявам от морска болест?
Каква е разликата между частен чартър и обикновен/споделен/ публичен чартър?
Предлагате ли беърбоут чартъри?
Каква информация имате нужда от мен, за да ми изпратите оферта за чартър на лодка?
Какви са вашите условия за плащане?
  • step-1-icon
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Изберете час и дата на чартър на лодка


Въпроси или Заявки

Вашите данни за контакт

Изчисляване на цената

Процент по подразбиране: 800 USD

Pax Включен в тарифата по подразбиране: 4

Допълнителен тариф за пътници: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Обща цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

баланс: 550 USD

Все още не се изисква плащане!
1/ Първо ще ви изпратим потвърждение за наличност на лодка.
2/ Ако решите да продължите напред и да резервирате чартъра, можете просто да кликнете върху връзката за плащане, за да платите малък депозит (максимум 15%). Връзката за плащане ще бъде изпратена с потвърждение за наличност.
3/ Когато депозитът бъде платен, ще получите много подробно потвърждение за пътуването.

Какво казват клиентите за нашата услуга

  • Sep, 2022

    Приятен ден за гмуркане с шнорхел с 6-членното ми семейство. Водите бяха спокойни и дълбоки само 6 фута, но морският живот беше невероятен. Дори хванах малко омар.

  • Oct, 2022

    Страхотен ден за риболов на апартаментите. Уловен Пермит, Баракуда и огромен Тарпон. Капитанът и лодката бяха страхотни и създадени за страхотен ден!

  • Nov, 2022

    Невероятно пътуване за дълбоководен риболов. Отидохме на около 20 мили от брега и открихме плевелно петно, където уловихме тонове Mahi! Ще го направя отново скоро.